Aneka Literature


Tuesday, February 9, 2021



Dampak perceraian terhadap perkembangan anak

 dalam sebuah pernikahan tidak bisa dilepaskan dari pengaruhnya terhadap anak. Banyak faktor yang terlebih dahulu diperhatikan sebelum menjelaskan tentang dampak perkembangan anak setelah terjadi suatu perceraian antara ayah dan ibu mereka.

Dalam buku Life Span Development oleh John W. Santrok pada tahun 2002, faktor tersebut bisa meliputi perubahan usia anak dan tahap perkembangan anak, konflik yang terjadi setelah perceraian, jenis kelamin anak dan gaya pengasuhan orangtua setelah bercerai. Kesemua hal itu dapat menggambarkan bagaimana dampak yang diberikan akibat perceraian terhadap perkembangan anak pada saat itu dan masa yang akan datang.

Perubahan Usia dan Perkembangan

Usia anak pada saat bercerai perlu dipertimbangkan. Tanggapan tanggapan anak kecil atas perceraian ditengahi oleh terbatasnya kompetensi kognitif dan sosial mereka, ketergantungan mereka terhadap orangtuanya.

Belum matangnya faktor kognitif dan sosial mereka akan lebih menguntungkan mereka ketika remaja. Pada saat remaja, mereka lebih sedikit ingat mengenai konflik dan perceraian yang terjadi pada saat mereka masih kecil. Tetapi tidak dipungkiri bahwa mereka juga kecewa dan marah atas perkembangan pertumbuhan mereka tanpa kehadiran keluarga yang utuh atau tidak pernah bercerai.

Anak yang sudah menginjak remaja dan mengalami perceraian orangtua lebih cenderung mengingat konflik dan stress yang mengitari perceraian itu sepuluh tahun kemudian, pada tahun masa dewasa awal mereka. Mereka juga Nampak kecewa dengan keadaan mereka yang tumbuh dalam keluarga yang tidak utuh.

Mereka juga menjadi kawatir bila hidup mereka tidak akan lebih baik bila mereka tidak melakukan sesuatu lebih baik. Pada masa remaja mereka dapat masuk dan terperangkap masalah obat obatan dan kenakalan remaja dari pada remaja yang mengalami perceraian orangtua pada saat kecil dan remaja yang tumbuh dalam keluarga utuh.


Banyak perpisahan dan perceraian merupakan urusan yang sangat emosiaonal yang menenggelamkan anak ke dalam konflik. Konflik ialah suatu aspek kritis keberfungsian keluarga yang seringkali lebih berat dari pada pengaruh struktur keluarga terhadap perkembangan anak.

Misalnya, keluarga yang bercerai dengan koflik relatif rendah lebih baik dari pada keluarga yang utuh tetapi dengan konflik relatif tinggi. Pada tahun setelah perceraian konflik tidak berkurang tetapi bisa akan terus bertambah. Pada saat ini, anak laki laki dari keluarga bercerai memperlihatkan lebih banyak masalah penyesuaian dari pada anak anak dari keluarga utuh yang orangtuanya ada.

Selama tahun pertama setelah perceraian, kualitas pengasuhan yang dilakukan orangtua seringkali buruk. Orangtua lebih sering sibuk dengan kebutuhan kebutuhan dan penyesuaian dari sendiri seperti mengalami depresi, kebingungan dan instabilitas emosional.

Selama tahun kedua setelah perceraian, orangtua lebih efektif dalam mnegerjakan tugas tugas pengasuhan anak, khususnya anak perempuan.

Jenis Kelamin Anak dan Hakekat Pengasuhan

Jenis kelamin anak dan orangtua pengasuh adalah pertimbangan yang penting dalam mengevaluasi pengaruh perceraian terhadap perkembangan anak. Anak yang tinggal dengan orangtua pengasuh dengan kesamaan jenis kelamin menunjukkan kondisi sosial yang lebih kompeten seperti lebih bahagia, lebih mandiri, dan lebih dewasa dari pada anak yang tinggal dengan orangtua pengasuh yang berbeda jenis kelamin.

Dalam sebuah kajian lain, ditemukan bahwa remaja dengan jenis kelamin baik laki laki dan perempuan yang tinggal dengan keluarga ibu akan lebih dapat melakukan penyesuaian dari pada tinggal bersama keluarga ayah.

Kesimpulan tentang anak anak dari keluarga bercerai. Singkatnya, sejumlah besar anak yang tumbuh dalam keluarga yang bercerai. Kebanyakan anak anak pada mulanya mengalami stress berat ketika orangtua mereka bercerai dan mereka beresiko mengembangakan masalah masalah perilaku. Tetapi perceraian dapat juga melepaskan anak anak dari konflik perkawinan. Banyak anak yang mengalami perceraian orangtua menjadi individu yang berkompeten.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Be One in Different

Text Box:

Text Box: Irene Reni Taruk Allo

Text Box:

Rina is a girl who lives with her ​​parents in Palopo who live in simplicity. Her name is Rina. She has known as a fickle people ( yes woman ) and is susceptible to things that are only heard without any evidence before her eyes.

In simplicity Rina and her parents have always lived in peace, tranquility , and live in harmony in the family . Her house is small , petite , clean , neat and not make them ashamed of her surroundings . But it is very unfortunate personality Rina is very much different from his brothers who do not quickly swayed by the various perceptions of Toraja culture that is often heard . Here and there he just heard that it's just a waste of Toraja culture course , want to be famous , and a lot of time . For instance when there is a feast of the dead is always a massive event while education is the number two , as a result many are dropping out of school due to the victims of Toraja culture . And the convening of the event was just a waste of time and a well-known name in the whole society . Whereas the party of the dead is just one of the many Toraja culture , without Rina will see the positive side of the feast of the dead

One evening when Rina was preparing dinner , the unexpected one Toraja family members were called to the bosom of the Father in Heaven .
The phone rang loudly . Rina ran from the kitchen and immediately picked it up . " Hello , good afternoon . How may I help you, " Rina greetings . " Hello , It's Aunt
. A sad news comes to our families . Great-grandmother died an hour ago," said his aunt while crying terseduh - makers . " What ? Grandma died ? "Said Rina surprised . " Yeah grandmother died of illness in old Kambu , " said tatenya . " Tomorrow we will go directly to Toraja " said Rina .
 Inevitably , Rina had to go to the spot without Toraja crossed his mind that he hated the Toraja culture . But when he got in Toraja , he was very frustrated with the circumstances in very different Toraja in Palopo . Rina wants to adapt to the habits of the local people but it is very difficult for him . He felt uncomfortable and made ​​him want to get back to Palopo , but it is highly unlikely due to the disposal of the bodies still long enough . And at the disposal of the bodies , a handsome young man named Dani approached him and became his close friends during the event .
They met every day at the disposal of the bodies . At first they were just friends , but the more the seeds of love that grows and develops like a snowball rolling . Until one afternoon where the sun drown out most of his body , Dani confidently expressed the deepest feelings to Rina . " Rina , no more beautiful flower of red roses , want me picking flowers and took him home . Rina , then I suppose you moon star. Rina would you decorate accompany my night and my day today . " Rayu Dani . Like flowers that are blooming Rina 's face hearing romantic words of Dani . " Actually deep down , there is a sense that mengejolak during our walks together . I will always be there for you "

Another purpose of receiving Dani became his girlfriend Rina is to study the customs and culture of Toraja . Each of them along the road at the disposal of the bodies , Rina always taking the time to ask about the customs and traditions Dani and said little to the positive side of a party signs a solo ' as the show dead . " Rin , if there is a negative side of you ever heard of a person , so this time also you will know the positive side and see firsthand what things like that " . With no direct Rina asked " what kind of things that Dan ? ? " Then Dani was directly saying " Rin , at the time there was a family event as far apart that first meeting and catching up and sharing experiences though grief -stricken , but they remain grateful for what they have experienced . So do not just look at one side so Rin , " said Dani . Rina also understand how the real culture of the Toraja.

Andi friend of Dani who incidentally also like Rina physically very envious of Dani because Dani was getting close to Rina . He tried mempropokasi Rina , that Dani is the playboy stamp burlap sacks . The most severe , he also says that Dani is an impostor . Rina is a yes woman so easily trusting Andi words.

The next day Rina immediately say what Andy told him the other day . Dani support it and they argue . But because Dani loves Rina , Dani trying to figure out the best way .
After doing strenuous efforts eventually attempt to repair his relationship with Dani Rina successfully . And finally conjunction with Rina improved . But another problem came. Differences of opinion among them backfired for their relationship . Differences are increasingly greater

Each maintains its opinion and mutually compare their culture to do almost broke and hated each other

Dani explains how the real Toraja culture but ignored by Rina . But with an attitude like that does not make Rina Dani desperate to convince Rina that cultural differences can be united when there is mutual respect for each other . Rina was a rude tone meyangga Dani statement " how different cultures can be united , while I was in the habit of Palopo local people 's lips when at the disposal of the bodies of Dan ? " It made me uncomfortable and if they had they would not appreciate the attitude to violence to me , " said Rina . Dani was heard all the talk Rina carefully and try to give insight can really be accepted by Rina . " Rin , Toraja society in general does not have such habits in Palopo , particularly in terms of the way she dressed like a western style . So when you look like that , most people do not feel appreciated by the way you dress and can cause negative thoughts from the community since Toraja is famous for its high manners , friendly to all people , build each other for common progress and upholding the values ​​and local customs.”

Rina offended when they hear the words of Dani . " So do you think we the people are not ethical . Nevertheless we keep the people who are. Not like you guys are too much adventurous ; dead just feted . For what ? Too discard waste of money . Anyway , you look too old-fashioned and do not know style . You're ancient ! ! ! ! "Said Rina . Diatara their infighting heats up . Dani remained at its founding , and Rina too. Until they decided to end their relationship .
" I'm very disappointed for the actions of Dani . Not that he was splitting me , mala turned my slit . You'll see he'll turn around and catching up with me '' Rina while she thought his way home . Dani also thinking the same thing with Rina . He thinks that Rina will turn around and chase him . " I am not better than him , so why should I go after him , " Dani said to himself

Knowing that Rina and Dani broke up , Andi straight to Rina . " This is a golden opportunity for me to get close to Rina , " thought Andy , trying to find a phone number in the contact Rina cell . After that , he immediately called Rina and meet him in a place to eat . Rina Andi accept the offer . " From me at home , obviously not upset I better get some fresh air out there , " thought Rina when receiving a call from Andy.

Andi was immediately picked Rina with beloved motorcycle . They go to a diner sabuah school near a road leading to the funeral . Andi trying to win right there Rina while she attempted to demonize Dani . "Do not worry Rin , there are many guys who are much better than Dani . Guys like him do not deserve you, "said Andi tries to be a hero . Because it is started by Andi , Rina is getting hate Dani .
Problems between them as would not have met with point peace . Increasingly peresaan love it gradually turns into hatred . But the two young people can not cheat on their feelings that they love each other . Now they are profound dilemma between love and hate .
A few days after their quarrel that caused them to end their relationship , they met again at a junction leading funeral homes and roads leading to Rina . They looked at each other anxiously greet someone among them over first . " Going where Rina ? " Called Dani with normal tone . " I'm going to the market . Where are you alone ? "Said Rina . " To the funeral . You where just a few days never appear there ? Usually you go there every day '' Dani asked curious . " Ah . I'm lazy . Especially if you are meeting . By the way my rush . Bye "said Rina with cool tones while melangka away from

Hearing words and expressions clayey Rina , Dani felt as if his pride is lost . But persaannya to Rina was so deep , he determined to repair his relationship with Blake. " Although I have to lose my pride , but my love for my inappropriate to Rina fought back " deep thought .
On one afternoon when the top event took place Rini eaters go to the funeral . Nobody there are greets him . People think that she is a girl Palopo arrogant and do not appreciate the culture of the Toraja . He saw Dani was standing taking photos and intend over and say hello . But the prestige peresaan thought better of it.
Unbeknownst to Rina , Dani turned out looking for him since a few days ago at the funeral . When he saw Rina stood alone menontong youths and elders who were ma'badong , Dani straight up and say hello . " Hey Rin , had come from ? " Dani greeted with great warmth . "Just 20 minutes ago " Rina replied with a smile . Pernincangan of them continued to show that they actually miss each other . Though not a word of them mention their feelings , but radiant face and both eyes at this young man can not lie

Day after day was past and funeral has passed . Although he found much difficulty in getting along in Tana Toraja , but he tried to understand that it is necessary to uphold customary Tinggih . He tried to do the things he did not agree and realize that these things are basically good . He too can adapt to the local community and be reconciled with the youth who had been acquainted with him at the disposal of the bodies.

On Monday the first week of a month after the funeral ceremony , Rina and Dani met back in the market . They greeted each other warmly . They made an appointment to go for a walk around the Tana Toraja on Saturday to come.

Saturday arrived . At 8 am , Dani picked Rina at his residence and they set off to visit the sights in Tana Toraja . Till the afternoon they arrived at the final attraction is in Singki.

At the time when the sun began to immerse himself in the eastern horizon . They sat together on a hilltop Singki ' . " Rini , today is a beautiful day in my entire life . We walked together to enjoy the beauty that is in Toraja . What do you feel now ? "Said Dani Rina holding hands . " Thank you . You have managed to make me change my view on your city . Teryata here much better than in Palopo , "said Rina . Dani said with confidence , " Mauka you once again present in my life and accompany me all the days of my age . " After a few minutes , the two became silent for a moment . " Actually I also still love you Dani . I will be a part of your life . I promise that. "

Both of them hugged each other as she shed tears of happiness .
Night began to cover the earth , Dani drove Rina go off home .
Although many differences that make them want to end the relationship but eventually they realized that the differences that will make their relationship together and begin a new life with respect to each other within a difference

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Faktor Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perkembangan Moral Anak

 Slamat siang para neter. Lama juga ya tidak posting di blog sederhan nan sunyi ini. meskipun begitu, pada kesempatan kali ini saya ingin memposting sebuah artikel yang mungkin saja penting untuk agan agan. ok dari padi panjang lebar kesana kemari,... lebih baik cekidot......

A. Perkembangan Moral Anak-Anak

Perkembangan moral anak terbentuk melalui fase-fase atau periode-periode seperti halnya perkembangan aspek-aspek lain. Tiap fase perkembangan mempunyai ciri-ciri moralitas yang telah dapat dicapai oleh anak, sekalipun dalam hal ini tidak ada perbedaan atas batas-batas yang jelas dan lebih bergantung pada setiap individu dari pada norma-norma umumnya yang terjadi pada anak-anak .

1. Perkembangan Moralitas pada anak usia 3 tahun

Sebagaimana yang telah diterangkan seorang bayi yang baru dilahirkan merupakan mahluk yang belum/non moral. Bayi atau anak-anak yang masih muda sekali tidak mangetahui norma-norma benar atau salah. Tingkah lakunya semata-mata dikuasai oleh dorongan yang didasari dengan kecendrungan bahwa apa yang menyenangkan akan diulang, sedangkan yang tidak enak tidak akan diulang dalam tingkah lakunya. Anak pada masa ini masih sangat muda secara intelek, untuk menyadari dan mengartikan bahwa sesuatu tingkah laku adalah tidak baik, kecuali bilamana hal itu menimbulkan perasaan sakit.

2. Perkembangan Moralitas pada anak usia 3-6 tahun

Pada usia dasar-dasar moralitas terhadap kelompok sosial harus sudah terbentuk. Kepada si anak tidak Iagi terus menerus diterangkan mengapa perbuatan ini salah atau benar, tetapi ia ditunjukkan bagaimana ia harus bertingkah laku dan bilamana hal ini tidak dilakukan maka ia kena hukum. Ia memperlihatkan sesuatu perbuatan yang baik tanpa mengetahui mengapa ia harus berbuat demikian. Ia melakukan hal ini untuk menghindari hukuman yang mungkin akan dialami dari lingkungan sosial atau memperoleh pujian. Pada usia 5 atau 6 tahun anak sudah harus patuh terhadap tuntutan atau aturan orang tua dan lingkungan sosialnya. Ucapan-ucapan orang lain seperti; baik, tidak boleh, nakal, akan disosialisasikan anak dengan konsep benar atau salah. Penanaman konsep moralitas pada anak-anak ini mungkin mengalami kesulitan oleh karena sifa-sifat pembangkangan terhadap perintah dan sifa-sifat egoisme.

3. Perkembangan moralitas pada anak usia 6 tahun sampai remaja

Pada masa ini anak laki-laki maupun perempuan belajar untuk bertingkah laku sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan oleh kelompoknya. Dengan demikian nilai-nilai atau kaidah-kaidah moral untuk sebagian besar lebih banyak ditentukan oleh norma-norma yang terdapat didalam lingkungan kelompoknya. Pada usia 10 sampai 12 tahun anak dapat mengetahui dengan baik alasan-alasan atau prinsip-prinsip yang mendasari suatu aturan. Kemampuannya telah cukup berkembang untuk dapat membedakan macam-macam nilai moral serta dapat menghubungkan konsep-konsep moralitas mengenai: kejujuran, hak milik, keadilan dan kehormatan. Pada masa mendekati remaja, anak sudah mengembangkan nilai-nilai moral sebagai hasil pengalaman-pengalaman anak lain. Nilai-nilai ini sebagian akan menetap sepanjang hidupnya dan akan mempengaruhi tingkah lakunya sebagaimana hal ini terjadi ketika masih anak-anak. Sebagian lain sedikit demi sedikit mengalami perubahan karena hubungan-hubungan dengan lingkungannya menyebabkan timbulnya konflik-konflik, karena nilai-nilai moral lingkungan yang berbeda dengan nilai-nilai yang sudah terbentuk. (Gunarsa, 1990, hal 46-48).

B. Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Perkembangan Moral

Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan moral ini sesungguhnya banyak sekali yang terpenting antara lain:

1. Kurang tertanamnya jiwa agama pada setiap orang dalam masyarakat

Keyakinan agama yang didasarkan pada pengertian yang sesungguhnya dan sejalan tentang ajaran agama yang dianutnya, kemudian diiringi dengan pelaksanaan ajaran-ajaran tersebut merupakan benteng moral yang paling kokoh. Apabila berkeyakinan beragama itu betul-betul telah menjadi bagian integral dari kepribadian seseorang, keyakinannya itulah yang akan mengawasi segala tindakan, perkataan bahkan perasaanya jika terjadi tarikan orang kepada sesuatu yang tampaknya cepat berpindah meneliti apakah hal tersebut boleh atau terlarang oleh agamanya. Andaikan yang termasuk terlarang betapapun tarikan luar itu tidak akan diindahkannya karena takut melaksanakan yang dilarang oleh agamanya.

2. Keadaan masyarakat yang kurang stabil

Faktor kedua yang ikut mempengaruhi moral masyarakat ialah kurang stabilnya keadaan, baik ekonomi, sosial, budaya maupun politik. Kegoncangan atau ketidakstabilan suasana yang menyelimuti seseorang menyebabkan cemas dan gelisah, akibat tidak dapatnya mencapai rasa aman dan ketentraman dalam hidup. Misalnya apabila keadaan ekonomi goncang, harga barang-barang naik turun dalam batas yang tidak dapat diperkirakan lebih dahulu oleh orang-orang dalam masyarakat, maka untuk mencari keseimbangan jiwa kembali, orang terpaksa berusaha keras. jika ia gagal dalam usahanya yang sehat, disinilah terjadi penyelewengan.

3. Banyaknya tulisan dan gambar yang tidak mengindahkan dasar moral
Suatu hal yang belakangan ini kurang mendapat perhatian kita ialah tulisan-tulisan, bacaan-bacaan, lukisan-lukisan, siaran-siaran, kesenian-kesenian dan permainan-permainan yang seolah-olah mendorong anak-anak muda untuk mengikuti arus mudanya. Segi moral dan mental kurang mendapat perhatian, hasil-hasil seni itu sekedar ungkapan dari keinginan dan kebutuhan yang sesungguhnya tidak dapat dipenuhi begitu saja. Lalu digambarkan dengan sangat realistis, sehingga semua yang tersimpan di dalam hati anak-anak muda diungkap dan realisasinya terlihat dalam cerita lukisan atau permainan tersebut. Ini pun mendorong anak-anak muda ke jurang kemerosotan moral.

4. Tidak terlaksananya pendidikan moral yang baik

Faktor keempat yang juga penting, adalah tidak terlaksananya pendidikan moral yang baik, dalam rumah tangga, sekolah dan masyarakat. Pembinaan moral, seharusnya dilaksanakan sejak si anak kecil, sesuai dengan kemampuan umurnya. Karena setiap anak lahir, belum mengerti mana yang benar dan mana yang salah, dan belum tahu batas-batas dan ketentuan moral yang berlaku dalam lingkungannya. Tanpa dibiasakan menanamkan sikap-sikap yang dianggap baik buat pertumbuhan moral, anak-anak akan dibesarkan tanpa mengenal moral itu. juga perlu diingatkan bahwa pengertian moral, belum dapat menjamin tindakan moral. Pada dasarnya moral bukanlah suatu pelajaran atau ilmu pengetahuan yang dapat dicapai dengan mempelajari, tanpa membiasakan hidup bermoral dari kecil dan moral itu tumbuh dari tindakan kepada pengertian, tidak sebaliknya.

5. Kurangnya kasadaran orang tua akan pentingnya pendidikan moral dasar sejak dini

Moral adalah salah satu buah iman oleh karena itu maka agar anak mempunyai moral yang bagus harus dilandasi dengan iman dan terdidik untuk selalu ingat pasrah kapada-Nya, dengan begitu anak akan memiliki bekal pengetahuan untuk terbiasa mulia, sebab benteng religi sudah mengakar di dalam hatinya.

6. Banyaknya orang melalaikan budi pekerti

Budi pekerti adalah mengatakan atau melakukan sesuatu yang terpuji atau perangai yang baik. Penanaman budi pekerti dalam jiwa anak sangat penting apabila dilihat dari hadits Nabi: “Seorang bapak yang mendidik anaknya adalah lebih baik dari pada bersedekah sebanyak satu sha”. “Tidak ada pemberian seorang bapak kepada anaknya yang lebih baik dari pada budi pekerti”. Namun sebagian orang tua melalaikan kepentingan pembinaan budi pekerti dan sopan santun anak. Para orang tua yang malang itu tidak sadar, bahwa ia telah menjerumuskan anaknya sendiri ke jurang, padahal pembinaan budi pekerti adalah hak anak atas orang tuanya seperti hak makan, minum serta nafkah.

7. Suasana rumah tangga yang kurang baik

Faktor yang terlihat dalam masyarakat sekarang ialah kerukunan hidup dalam rumah tangga kurang terjamin. Tidak tampak adanya saling pengertian, saling menerima, saling menghargai, saling mencintai diantara suami istri. Tidak rukunnya ibu bapak menyebabkan gelisahnya anak-anak mereka menjadi takut, cemas dan tidak tahan berada di tengah-tengah orang tua yang tidak rukun. Anak-anak yang gelisah dan cemas itu mudah terdorong kepada perbuatan-perbuatan yang merupakan ungkapan dari rasa hatinya, biasanya mengganggu ketentraman orang lain.

8. Kurang adanya bimbingan untuk mengisi waktu luang

Suatu faktor yang telah ikut juga memudahkan rusaknya moral anak-anak muda, ialah kurangnya bimbingan dalam mengisi waktu luang, dengan cara yang baik dan sehat. Pada rentang usia dini akhir adalah usia dimana anak suka berkhayal, melamunkan hal yang jauh atau sulit dijangkau. Kalau mereka dibiarkan tanpa bimbingan dalam mengisi waktu luang maka akan banyak lamunan yang kurang sehat timbul dari mereka.

9. Kurangnya tempat layanan bimbingan

Terakhir perlu dicatat, bahwa kurangnya tempat layanan bimbingan dan penyuluhan yang akan menampung dan menyalurkan anak-anak ke arah mental yang sehat. Dengan kurangnya atau tidak adanya tempat kembali bagi anak-anak yang gelisah dan butuh bimbingan itu, maka pergilah mereka berkelompok dan bergabung kepada anak-anak yang juga gelisah. Dari sinilah akan keluar model kelakuan anak yang kurang menyenangkan.

Jangan lupa tinggalkan jejak di kolom komentar!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Kinds Of Tour

selamat sore.... sore yang dingin dan sepi seperti ini rasanya sangat nikmat bila ngebog sambil menikmati secangkir teh hangat.
Tapi perasaan hati yang sedang kontroversi ditambah harmonisasi cinta yang menggelora di dalam statusisasi yang menyebabkan, mempertakut, dan mempersuram labil ekonomi  yang telah terkudeta di dalam usia saya 29 my age yah.........
hahahahahaha...... dari pada tambah ngacok mending kita langsung saja masuk ke postingan yang sebenar benarnya.
sesuai dengan judul diatas, kali ini saya akan menulis tentang jenis jenis tour. jangan sampai anda cuma taunya tour ya tour saja.
 baiklah cekidot.....
                Kinds of Tour
River Cruise
A River Cruise is basically a tour that is conducted on a small or medium sized cruise-ship and travels via rivers instead of rail or road.

Rail Tour

Rail tours offer a unique type of vacation in which much of the transportation is conducted via rail. Trains have been a fascination of many for years and with these select rail journeys you will get to experience the wondrous view, comfort and excitement of a train with the in-depth experience of a hosted or escorted tour.

Independent Vacation

These vacations usually spend 2 or 3 nights in each location visited and usually only a few locations are visited. A tour guide is normally not included, but there is a usually a host available to answer questions and suggest sightseeing. Few meals and some sightseeing are typically included, but a lot of free time to explore is available. These vacations are ideal for independent travelers looking to set their own pace.

Escorted Tour

Escorted Tours are our most popular product. Escorted tours are normally conducted by a tour director who takes care of all services from beginning to end of the tour. Escorted tours normally include flights, hotels, transportation, transfers to the airport/hotel, most meals and sightseeing. Escorted Tours are conducted by motor-coach and usually no more than 2 nights are spent in each location visited. Escorted Tours are usually fast-paced and prices include much of the sightseeing. Escorted tours are typically conducted by motorcoach. They can be fast-paced, with no more than 2 nights spent in each location, or more leisurely, with more time spent overnight at each locale.

Religious Tours

For many, traveling abroad is a spiritual experience visiting magnificent cathedrals, ancient temples and other historic religious sites can have a profound effect on anyone that encounters them. Increasingly, though, Americans are planning international vacations specifically designed to explore their religion and deepen their faith.
In response, escorted travel companies have introduced specific itineraries that focus on the Holy Land, biblical sites, Catholic cathedrals and Italian shrines. Globus, a pioneer in escorted travel since 1928, has emerged a leader in worldwide faith-based travel as well. The company established a religious travel division in 2004. It has steadily increased its religious vacation offerings and now boasts dozens of departure dates throughout the year.
In 2007, Globus unveiled the findings of an extensive study about the U.S. market for international religious vacations. Here are just a few highlights from the Globus Religious Travel Study, conducted by Menlo Consulting Group, Inc.:
§  One-third of all international travelers are likely to take a religious vacation in the future.
§  One in 10 international pleasure travelers have already been abroad on a faith-based vacation.
§  More than 40 percent of all American international pleasure travelers have at least some desire to get in touch with their religious heritage while traveling.
§  Half of all religious travelers are Protestant, and one-quarter are Roman Catholic.More than two-thirds of religious travelers say they are active in their church, temple or synagogue.
§  Israel tops the list (35 percent) of countries that travelers have already visited on a faith-driven trip, followed by Italy (12 percent) and Greece (11 percent).
§  Israel is the most cited (54 percent) desirable destination for religious trips. Italy (41 percent) is also a top contender of desirable destinations, along with England (28 percent).
What to Expect on a Religious Tour
Faith-based tours aren't all religion, all of the time. On a one- to two-week itinerary, you can expect several sightseeing visits to spiritual sites, accompanied by expert commentary from your tour director or local guides. But you'll also enjoy traditional sightseeing, as well, such as a tour of Cairo's Great Pyramids, a scenic Rhine River cruise or a drive around Ireland's Ring of Kerry.
You'll also enjoy plenty of free time for exploration on your own. Stops for shopping at popular markets may be included, and you'll probably enjoy at least one festive dinner with entertainment on your tour. Carefully review the day-by-day itinerary, as well as What's Included, so you'll know exactly what to expect each day of your tour.
Often on tours catering to Catholic denominations, it's not unusual to find a priest among your fellow travelers. Time can be carved out for short daily Masses. Otherwise, your tour director will know what times Masses are held at the various churches and shrines you'll visit.
On tours catering to Jewish travelers, activities are curtailed during the Sabbath from sundown on Friday evening through sundown on Saturday. At mealtime, care is taken to offer at least one dish that does not mix meat and milk; pork and shellfish are generally not served.
Naturally, other travelers on your faith-based trip likely have similar spiritual interests. That can lead to many interesting conversations over group meals, during sightseeing visits and while you're traveling together by motorcoach. Many travelers cite the fellowship and new friends they make on religious trips as one of the highlights of their vacation.

Agri Tourism Tour
 Agri tourism tour is a tour that we do to see or learn the agri system. For example, The farm, Plants, and The way to plant something.

Cultural Tour
Cultural tour is a journey to another place, region, or country to see and learn the culture of people in that place.

Virtual tour
virtual tour is a simulation of an existing location, usually composed of a sequence of video or still images. It may also use other multimedia elements such as sound effects, music, narration, and text. It is distinguished from the use of live television to effect tele-tourism.[1]
The phrase "virtual tour" is often used to describe a variety of video and photographic-based media. Panorama indicates an unbroken view, since a panorama can be either a series of photographs or panning video footage. However, the phrases "panoramic tour" and "virtual tour" have mostly been associated with virtual tours created using still cameras. Such virtual tours are made up of a number of shots taken from a single vantage point. The camera and lens are rotated around what is referred to as a no parallax point (the exact point at the back of the lens where the light converges).
A video tour is a full motion video of a location. Unlike the virtual tour's static wrap-around feel, a video tour is as if you were walking through a location. Using a video camera, the location is filmed while moving from place to place. Video tours are continuous movement taken at a walking pace.

Ecotourism Tour
Ecotourism is a form of tourism involving visiting fragile, pristine, and relatively undisturbed natural areas, intended as a low-impact and often small scale alternative to standard commercial (mass) tourism. Its purpose may be to educate the traveler, to provide funds for ecological conservation, to directly benefit the economic development and political empowerment of local communities, or to foster respect for different cultures and for human rights. Since the 1980s ecotourism has been considered a critical endeavour by environmentalists, so that future generations may experience destinations relatively untouched by human intervention.[1] Several university programs use this description as the working definition of ecotourism.[2]
Generally, ecotourism deals with living parts of the natural environments.[3] Ecotourism focuses on socially responsible travel, personal growth, and environmental sustainability. Ecotourism typically involves travel to destinations where florafauna, and cultural heritage are the primary attractions. Ecotourism is intended to offer tourists insight into the impact of human beings on the environment, and to foster a greater appreciation of our natural habitats.
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